- General about CB WSS
- General about CB WSS
- Information about Existing CB WSS
- Information about Potential CB WSS
- Attachments
Q1. Country:
Q2. Partner name:
Croatian Geological Survey – Department of hydrogeology and engineering geology
Q3. PARTNER – Final Beneficiary No.:
FB 9
Q4. Reporting country (1) (cross-border country (1) )
Bosna and Hercegovina
Q5. Reporting country (2) (cross-border country (2) )
Q6. Estimated number of CBWSS (active)(Number and name of the CBWSS):
(1) – Doljani (Čapljina) to Metković
Q7. Estimated number of CBWSS (inactive – ceased to operate)(Number and name of the CBWSS):
Q8. Potential development of CBWSS(Number and name of the CBWSS):
Q1. Country:
Q2. Partner name:
Croatian Geological Survey – Department of hydrogeology and engineering geology
Q3. PARTNER – Final Beneficiary No.:
FB 9
Q4. Reporting country (1) (cross-border country (1) )
Bosna and Hercegovina
Q5. Reporting country (2) (cross-border country (2) )
Q6. Estimated number of CBWSS (active)(Number and name of the CBWSS):
(1) – Doljani (Čapljina) to Metković
Q7. Estimated number of CBWSS (inactive – ceased to operate)(Number and name of the CBWSS):
Q8. Potential development of CBWSS(Number and name of the CBWSS):
Q1. Country name:
Q2. Partner name:
Croatian Geological Survey – Department of hydrogeology and engineering geology
Q3. Partner – Final Beneficiary No.:
FB 9
Q4. Between country – water coming from (origin country (1)) and
Karst spring is in the BIH (Doljani village) community Čapljina.
Q5. Country (2) – water supplied to (delivered):
Water from Doljani goes to HR.
Q6. Water supply system name (English):
Water supply system Metkovic
Q7. Water supply system name (Country 1):
Vodoopskrbni sustav grada Metkovića
Q8. Water supply system name (Country 2):
Q9. Date/year established cross-border water supply:
the beginning of the explotation at Doljani started in 1966 (ex-YUGOSLAVIA).
Q10. Management of origin side of the WSS:
Metković d.o.o. za vodoopskrbu i odvodnju otpadnih voda www.vodovod-metkovic.hr (METKOVIĆ d.o.o. Upravlja i sada sa izvorom koji se nalazi u drugoj državi BIH)
Q11. Management of delivery side of the WSS:
Metković d.o.o. za vodoopskrbu i odvodnju otpadnih voda, www.vodovod-metkovic.hr (METKOVIĆ d.o.o. Isporučuju vodu u Hrvatsku iz svojih vodosprema koje se nalaze u Hrvatskoj i također vrši isporuku povratnim vodom u naselje Doljani koje se nalazi u BIH)
Q12. Amount of water supplied (as per contract/agreement):
The contract does not exist / no other interested party, the amount of water meets the needs of Metkovic, approximately 60 l/s or 1,870,000.00 m3/year.
Q13. General nature of the CBWS – emergency water supply, peak water supply, permanent water supply:
Water supply Metković is supplying the town Metković and suburban areas, including the municipality Zažablje and village Doljani. Extraction from DOLJANI spring in BiH started in the period from 1966 till today, with no concessions for the extraction of water. (From the breakup of former Yugoslavia, Croatian company has no water permit for water withdrawal but we hope that this will be specified in the intergovernmental negotiating committee Croatian and Bosnia-Herzegovina)
Q14. Existing legal framework for the CBWS:
There are no documents between distributors of Metković d.o.o. and relevant services of BiH.
Q15. Top level CBWS management body (if mutually defined):
Međudržavno povjerenstvo HRVATSKA – BIH za vodno gospodarstvo (pri ministarstvu poljoprivrede RH)
Q16. Origin country reference body for the management body:
Interstate Commission CROATIA – BIH for water management (the Ministry of Agriculture RH)
Q17. Delivery country reference body for the CBWS management body.
Croatian Waters (Ministry of Agriculture)
Q18. Legal framework management – Contract party meetings (annual, even more frequent):
We are waiting for an agreement interstate commission that it would be regulated.
Q19. Issues addressed on the local level:
We are waiting for an agreement interstate commission that it would be regulated.
Q20. Issues addressed on the regional level:
We are waiting for an agreement interstate commission that it would be regulated.
Q21. Issues addressed on the state level:
As far as Metkovic d.o.o. know, there are familiar interstate commission, and they agreed general things and topics related to the origin Doljani (single case) regarding management and use Doljani spring in BiH will only come on the agenda as a special case within the general agreement on the state level.
Q22. Legal option to increase maximum annual entitlement?
Q23. Minimum amount of water delivery defined?
Not for now.
Q24. Which is the body assigned by the contract for the resolution of disputes?
Q25. Ownership of the cross-border infrastructure:
Pumping facility stations with installations and pipelines on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, built by the City of Metkovic during a joint state, and the owner is Metković d.o.o.
Q26. Are the water rights on the water resource assigned to the cross-border partner? In which way?
Official Metković d.o.o. is not familiar.
Q27. Termination of the water delivery of contract
There is no contract or time limit for delivery of water
Q28 Minimal water consumption legally defined?
Q29. Is the legal heritage of the systems resolved
Q30. Is the water price(charge) composed by different components?
Q31. How is the pricing mechanism defined (water charges):
Metkovic d.o.o. has formed prices, and gives the same prior approval of the City Metkovic and then forward it to the Council for Water services Croatian republic. The mechanism of price tables for the calculation of the lowest prices on the basis of costs.
Q32. Are the minimal charges foreseen? – Fixed charges, full for empty:
Q33. Is the non-payment procedure regulated by the contract?
Q34. Is there a special tariff (surcharge) for the excessive water supply?
Q35. Insurance cost covered – insurance cost tariff, insurance model foreseen by the contract:
Q36. Depreciaton of the infrastructure, investment/maintenance plans agreed ? (amortizacija, ammortamento):
Depreciation is calculated according to the life of the individual objects.
Q37. Penalties for unfulfilment of contractual obligations?
Q38. Is the mutual inspection of records/book-keeping established? (due dilligence approach):
Q39. General assessment of the CBWS economics :
Q40. Payment statistics for the last 5 years:
Q41. Other:
Q42. Measurement of water delivered:
Delivered quantity of water is done by electromagnetic flowmeters ENDRESS HAUSER.
Q43. Is continuity of water supply – intermittent water supply an issue?
Water supply is continuous.
Q44. Agreed water quality issues:
Law on water for human consumption (OG 56/13).
Q45. Water quality monitoring jointly controlled/verified:
Sampling of water from the spring and the network has been submitted to the Department of Public Health Dubrovnik to control quality every week, and more frequently if required.
Q46. Temperature regulated by the contract?
Q47. Pressure regulated by the contract?
Q48. Cross – border profile management:
Everything is under the control of Metković d.o.o..
Q49. Construction of project facilities:
Q50. Is the daily dynamics of water demand/supply an issue ?
No, the resovoirs are in Croatia.
Q51. Is the seasonal dynamics of water demand/supply an issue ?
Q52. Management of water losses – are water losses in the supply, uptake side an issue?
Losses related to water supply system range from 50-60% of the water volumes. Water balance by IWA methodology are only obliged water supplier Metković d.o.o.
Q53. Is the water availability/demand an issue on supply country or demand country side?
Current source is supplied with Metkovic City suburbs, municipality Zažablje and village Doljani in BiH. All other users in the municipality Čapljina own supply from other sources.
Q54. Transitional phenomena an issue?
Yes, problem is that after nineteen years of existence of the state Croatia status Doljani spring is still at the beginning. Metkovic Ltd. is illegally present in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Q55. Other technical issues?
No possibility of investing in the protection of water sources and any necessary investment is a function to protect the water quality. By the way company Metković Ltd. compensation for the use of water from springs in Doljane (BIH) salary Croatian Waters (legal entity for the management of water resources in the Republic of Croatia).
Q56. Long term planning mechanisms established?
Q57. LIASON OFFICERS DETERMINED? Communication process determined and functioning?
Q58. Joint supervision of the Water Supply System?
NO (all under the METKOVIĆ d.o.o.).
Q59. Joint management of the water resource?
Water resources are managed only by Metković d.o.o.
Q60. Contingency plans existing?
When you get rid of interstate relations in the work of water supply Metković, you can talk about plans for water supply.
Q61. Main problems identified:
Crossborder cooperation officially does not work.
Q62. Other comments:
Q63. Vision:
Metković d.o.o. is interested that abstraction of water supply from source Doljani is legalized on the national level. (BIH and Croatia).
Q64. Do you consider that the legal framework for the CB WSS is adequate, or under-defined:
The problem is bigger than just imagined, because it takes coordination of Commission of BiH and Croatian, and it will be enabled when the other side shows interest.
Q65. Do you consider that the economic framework for the CB WS is adequate, or under-defined:
Legally no solution in the near future.
Q66. Do you consider that the technical framework for the CB WS is adequate, or under-defined:
Q67. How would you assess general perception of the cross border water supply in public?
Q68. Provide in the attachment shp file of the existing water supply network:
Q69. Provide documents on general state-level framework for the cross-border water supply:
Q70. Specific delivery contract:
Q71. Regulations, technical documentation:
Q72. Statistics on the water supplied and payments provided for the last five years:
Q1. Country name:
Q2. Partner name:
Croatian Geological Survey – Department of hydrogeology and engineering geology
Q3. Partner – Final Beneficiary No.:
FB 9
Q4. Between country – water coming from (origin) and:
Q5. Country (2) – water supplied to (delivered):
Q6. Water supply system name (English):
Q7. Water supply system name (Country 1):
Q8. Water supply system name (Country 2):
Q9. Management of origin side of the WSS:
Q10. Management of delivery side of the WSS:
Q11. Amount of water supplied (as per contract/agreement):
Q12. General nature of the CBWS – emergency water supply, peak water supply, permanent water supply:
Q13. General description of the nature of the necessity:
Q14. Status of the preparation of the technical/legal/economics and other documents:
Q15. Potential date of construction (estimated if possible):
Q16. Describe recognized limitations inhibiting the development of potential CBWSS: