Short description of NIVOS – Niš water supply system

Three water supply systems provide water to city Niš:

  1. WSS Mediana (the source of groundwater fed previously purified water from watercourses Nisava, capacity 100-500 l / s),
  2. WSS Studena (karsni natural source of supply and pipeline facilities with a capacity of 220 to 340 l /s) and
  3. WSS Ljuberđa – Niš (a series karsnih natural resources (Krupac, Wet, Divljan and Ljuberađa) and supply pipeline with facilities, capacities from 800 to 1450 l/s).

It supplies water to about 240.000 people and Nis industry, with the amount of 37.732.608 m3 / year or 103.377 m3 / day. The functioning of WSS is reliable and stable, and there is a high level of water quality control.

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